21 replies to “Soda Bottle Chandelier

  1. I’ve seen something like this before and you totally captured how beautiful they are. Hi Jeff, I’ve been away for a while now–glad I came back. I love your pictures. 🙂

  2. Did you create the Soda Bottle Chandelier? It must have taken a while to collect them all. What a great and inspiring way to reuse, recycle and repurpose! Well done and bravo!

      1. She is indeed! Please kindly tell your other significant half that SoundEagle reckons so, Jeff, and that you have the eyes and heart to appreciate and showcase her creativity.

      2. Yes, she’s one of the most amazingly talented artists I’ve ever met. Not to mention a cool person! You are a blessed man.

  3. Calling it a chandelier implies there might be a light bulb in there? What size bulb can you user without worrying about melting the plastic?

  4. I create water bottle art and would like to know what your spouse used as an armature for her piece. Wish I could attach pics of a few of my pieces.

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